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[ICC 국제형사재판소] Legal Tools Training 프로그램 안내

페이지 정보

작성자 정책기획단 작성일21-09-14 17:48 조회1,093회 댓글0건


안녕하세요. 법대와 협정을 맺고 있는 International Criminal Court (ICC 국제형사재판소)에서 아래와 같은 프로그램을 알려와 안내드립니다. 본 행사에 관한 자세한 사항은 다음 내용과 첨부파일을 참조해주시기 바라며, 많은 학생분들의 관심과 참여 부탁드립니다.


<ICC 국제형사재판소 Legal Tools Training 프로그램>

▷ 강의명: Virtual on Legal Tools: Learning International Criminal Law by Use of Digital Public Goods

▷ 주최: International Criminal Court (ICC 국제형사재판소)

▷ 일시: 2021년 9월 30일(목), 17:00-19:00 (한국시간 기준)

▷ 개최방식: 줌(Zoom)을 활용한 온라인 세션

▷ 강의내용: Legal Tools 데이터베이스 (https://www.legal-tools.org/)를 활용한 국제법 관련 리서치스킬 향상법

​  - ​How to use the tools in your ICL studies

  - How to study ICL more effectively

  - How the ICC has pioneered the development of open access digital tools

  - How you can become involved in the work on these digital tools

▷ 강사진: The Centre for International Law Research and Policy (CILRAP)

   - Morten Bergsmo (Director, CILRAP)

   - Ilia Utmelidze (Chief IT expert for LTD and Lexsitus)

-        - Saurabh Sachan (Founder, Mithya Labs),

-        - Antonio Angotti (CILRAP Fellow)

    - Devasheesh Bais (CILRAP Fellow)

▷ 신청방법: 해당 프로그램 참여를 원할 경우, 9월 29일(목)까지 아래 양식을 작성하여 이메일 제출(betle00@snu.ac.kr)

    - 이름:

    - 소속: 과정명 기재 (ex. 전문석사과정 1학년 / 일반대학원 석사과정) ​​

    ※ 신청한 분에 한하여 사전등록할 수 있는 링크를 제공할 예정입니다.


* 참고사항

Legal Tools Database수록 법규(non-exhaustive)

  • ICC Documents: basic legal documents and public decisions;

  • ICC 'Preparatory Works' and Statute Amendments: more than 9,000 documents related to the negotiation of the ICC Statute, Rules of Procedure and Evidence, and Elements of Crime document, as well as documents related to amendments to the ICC Statute;

  • International Legal Instruments: a collection of key treaties;

  • Other International Law Decisions and Documents: documents of the International Court of Justice, International Law Commission, UN General Assembly and UN Security Council;

  • Human Rights Law Decisions and Documents: decisions of the European Court of Human Rights and Inter-American Court of Human Rights, and documents of the UN human rights system;

  • International(ised) Criminal Jurisdictions (Basic Documents): basic legal documents of all the international(ised) criminal jurisdictions;

  • International(ised) Criminal Decisions: public decisions of the international(ised) criminal jurisdictions;

  • National Jurisdictions: basic documents on the legal system and status of core international crimes;

  • National Implementing Legislation: national implementing legislation, including access to the specialized National Implementing Legislation Database;

  • National Cases Involving Core International Crimes: the largest collection of such case documents;

  • Publications: publications relevant to work on international criminal law;

  • United Nations War Crimes Commission: the public part of the archive of the UN War Crimes Commission, included case-related documents;

  • International(ised) Fact-Finding Mandates: documents on international(ised) fact-finding mandates.​







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