학술회의 발표 및 초청강연

논문(원제목) 학술대회명 개최기관명 발표일자
Is Privacy Public Good Annual Privacy Lecture UC Berkeley 20151112 
판례의 변경에 대한 법경제학 접근 판례의 변경 민사판례연구회 20130809 
국내 웹사이트의 개인정보 수집현황 분석 한국경제 현안들의 해결을 위한 법경제학적 연구 한국법경제학회 20130614 
빅데이터, 프라이버시, 법 - 소통 빅데이터 시대의 국가전략 서울대 빅데이터포럼 20130530 
An Analysis on Korean Websites' Gathering of Personal Information Conference on Legal Issues Concerning Information Gathering 기술과법센터 20130217 
Law and Technology of Data Privacy: A Case for International Harmonization Law and Economics Seminar 스위스연방공과대학(ETH Zurch) 20120611 
Evolving Law and Economics of Internet Privacy in the Evolving Tech-nological Environments Travemuende Symposium on the Economic Analysis of Law 함부르크대학교 20120329 
Contracting Foreign Exchange Risks: A Behavioral Law and Economics Perspective on KIKO Forward Contracts Annual Meeting of the Asian Law and Economics Association Asian Law and Economics Association 20110708 
Competition in the Cloud: Competition and Consumer Protection Issues in Cloud Computing Emerging Law and Policy Issues in Cloud Computing Conference 서울대학교 기술과법센터/UC Berkeley 기술과법센터 20110221 
지적재산권의 법경제학 Law and Economics with the Court 한국법경제학회 20101210 
How Koreans Deal With Foreign Exchange Rate Risk: A Behavioral Law and Economics Perspective on the KIKO Forward Contract The Law in the Information and Risk Society 괴팅겐대학교 20101020 
불법행위법의 법경제학 Law and Economics with the Court 한국법경제학회 20100611 
How Koreans Deal With Foreign Exchange Rate Risk: A Behavioral Law and Economics Perspective on the KIKO Forward Contract Institutions and National Competitiveness Conference 한국제도경제학회 등 20090819 
Dealing with Corporate Self-Dealing: A New Institutional Economics Approach Based on (Mostly) Korean Experience 초청강연 Kyushu University 20090702 
Law and Economics Education in Korea Annual Meeting of Asia Law and Economics Association Asia Law and Economics Association 20090620 
Dealing with Corporate Self-Dealing in Korea: A New Institutional Economics Approach ASLI Conference University of Hong Kong 20090530 
The Role of Mediator: Behavioral Law and Economics Perspective International Conference on Mediation City University of Hong Kong 20090426 
Dealing with Corporate Self-Dealing in Korea: A New Institutional Economics Approach Law in the Society of Information and Knowledge 프라이부르그 대학교 20080719 
