
논문제목 학술지명 발행처명 역할 게재년월
Book Chapter in A Post-WTO International Legal Order
"What Can We Learn from Our Struggling Cousin? - Recent Discussions on Reform of International Investment Law and Investment Dispute Settlement Proceedings"
Springer, ISBN 978-3-030-45427-2, pp.149-166 단독  202007
디지털 교역 시대의 아날로그 규범-
'개인정보'의 국경간 이전과 국가안보 예외
국제법학회논총(연구재단 등재지) 제65권 제2호(통권 제157호), ISSN 1226-2994, pp.227-262 단독  202006
IHR 2005 in the Coronavirus Pandemic: A Need for a New Instrument to Overcome Fragmentation? ASIL Insights, Vol.24, Issue 16 단독  202006
The Coronavirus Pandemic and International Investment Arbitration—Application of "Security Exceptions" Clauses in Investment Agreements Contemporary Asia Arbitration Journal, Vol.13, No. 1, pp.185-204 단독  202005
국가안보 예외의 사각 (死角) 지대-
'정보제공 거부'조항의 의미와 문제점
국제법학회논총 (연구재단 등재지) 제65권 제1호, pp.125-160 단독  202003
Book Chapter in "Beyond the Globalization" - In Commemoration of the 70th Anniversary of the Institute of Comparative Law in Japan
"International Treaties in the Korean Constitutional Court: A Review of Recent Decisions"
The Institute of Comparative Law in Japan (Chuo Univ.) Chuo Univ. Press, pp. 단독  202003
미국 부패방지법 (FCPA)의 외국기업에의 적용: '이중적' 역외적용과 국제법적 함의 서울대학교 법학 (연구재단 등재지) 제61권 제1호, pp.425-474 단독  202003
Book Chapter in The Appellate Body of the WTO and Its Reform,
"The WTO Appellate Body as a Trailblazer – Facilitation of Appellate Mechanism Discussion in Other International Courts"
Springer, ISBN 978-981-15-0254-5, pp.303-330 단독  201912
Book Chapter in Oxford Handbook of Comparative Foreign Relations Law,
"Incorporation and Implementation of Treaties in South Korea"
Oxford Univ. Press, ISBN 978-01-90653-33-0, pp.221-238 단독  201909
Subsidies for Illegal Activities? - Reframing IUU Fishing from the Law Enforcement Perspective Journal of International Economic Law (SSCI-listed) Vol. 22, Issue 3, ISSN 1464-3758, pp.417-438 단독  201906
Two Bites at the Same Apple? – Derivative ISDS Proceedings in the Revised Korea-U.S. FTA Journal of East Asia and International Law (SSCI-listed) Vol. 12, Issue 1, pp.107-130 단독  201904
Two bites at the same apple? ‘derivative’ ISDS proceedings in the revised Korea-US FTA JOURNAL OF EAST ASIA AND INTERNATIONAL LAW 단독  201903
TRADE AGREEMENTS' NEW FRONTIER-REGULATION OF STATE-OWNED ENTERPRISES AND OUTSTANDING SYSTEMIC CHALLENGES Asian Journal of WTO & International Health Law and Policy (SSCI-listed) Vol. 14, No. 1, pp.33-76 단독  201903
Mending the Wound or Pulling it Apart? – New Proposals for International Investment Courts and Fragmentation of International Investment Law Northwestern Journal of International Law & Business (SSCI-listed) Vol. 39, Issue 1, pp.1-35 단독  201812
반덤핑 조사에서의 PMS 판정 - 우리 무역구제 법령 및 제도에 대한 함의 국제통상연구 (연구재단 등재지), 제23권 4호, pp.127-168 한국국제통상학회 단독  201812
인공지능 시대의 도래와 국제법 - 국가행위 귀속 문제를 중심으로 국제법학회논총 (연구재단 등재지), 제63권 4호, pp.281-307 대한국제법학회 단독  201812
국제 조정을 통한 합의서 집행협약의 도입과 법적 쟁점 비교사법 (연구재단 등재지), 제25권 4호, pp.1259-1310 한국비교사법학회 단독  201811
Commercializing National Security? National Security Exceptions' Outer Parameter under GATT Article XXI Asian Journal of WTO & International Health Law and Policy(SSCI-listed) Vol. 13, No. 2, pp.277-310 단독  201809
디지털 교역과 통상규범 - 상품·서비스 교역 ‘일체화’의 통상협정에 대한 함의 국제경제법연구 (연구재단 등재지), 제16권 2호, pp.91-129 한국국제경제법학회 단독  201807
Settling International Disputes Through Mediation—Establishing a New International Organization in Asia Pacific and Jurisdictional Issues Asian Journal of WTO & International Health Law and Policy (SSCI-listed) Vol. 13, No. 1, pp.81-122 단독  201803
Book Chapter in International Governance and the Rule of Law in China under the Belt and Road Initiative
"The Belt and Road Initiative under Existing Trade Agreements: Some Food for Thought on a New Regional Integration Scheme"
Cambridge Un Press, ISBN 978-11-08332-65-1, pp.59-80 단독  201802
A More Widely Available Public Good: Proposed DSU Reform and Its Implication for Developing Members JOURNAL OF WORLD TRADE 단독  201711
Skepticism, Unilateralism or Ultimatumism?: Trump Administration's Trade Policy and the Korea-U.S. FTA ASIAN JOURNAL OF WTO & INTERNATIONAL HEALTH LAW AND POLICY 단독  201709
THAAD 배치와 중국 정부의 對韓 관광산업 제한조치- GATS 협정 위반 여부를 중심으로 - 국제경제법연구 한국국제경제법학회 단독  201707
환경친화 보조금과 WTO 보조금 협정 국제지역연구 한국외국어대학교 국제지역연구센터 단독  201706
Investment Arbitration in Full Swing in Korea JOURNAL OF INTERNATIONAL TRADE AND ARBITRATION LAW 단독  201702
Dispute Settlement Mechanisms in U.S. Free Trade Agreements with Korea, Panama, Peru and Colombia: Basic Designs, Key Characteristics and Implications British Journal of American Legal Studies ,Vol. 5, Issue 2, Online ISSN 2049-4092, pp.487-504 단독  201609
A Counterweight to the FTA Drive? Korea's FTA Implementation Act of 2011 and Its Implications Journal of Trade and Arbitration Law(Turkey), Vol. 4 Issue 2, ISSN 2146-9717, pp.207-230 단독  201603
Collective Self-Defense or Collective Security? Japan's Reinterpretation of Article 9 of the Constitution JOURNAL OF EAST ASIA AND INTERNATIONAL LAW YIJUN INSTITUTE INTERNATIONAL LAW 단독  201511
The Other Side of the FTAs: China's Multilateralism and the Balkanization of the Global Trading Rules China and WTO Review, Vol. 1 No. 2, ISSN 2383-8221, pp.251-268 YUJUN PRESS 단독  201509
Beneath the Tip of the Iceberg ? Global Financial Crisis, Bank Bailouts and the SCM Agreement Asian Journal of WTO and International Health Law and Policy, Vol. 10 No. 2 , ISSN 1819-5164, pp.381-422 NATL TAIWAN UNIV PRESS 단독  201509
A Counterweight to the FTA Drive? Korea's FTA Implementation Act of 2011 and Its Implications JOURNAL OF INTERNATIONAL TRADE AND ARBITRATION LAW LEGAL YAYINCILIK 단독  201507
TPP 투자챕터의 특징 및 법적 쟁점 -한미 FTA 투자챕터와의 비교를 중심으로- 국제거래법연구 국제거래법학회 단독  201507
국제사법재판소 판결의 이행: 이행분쟁 규율 규범의 공백과 대안의 모색 서울국제법연구 서울국제법연구원 단독  201506
Putting a Square Peg into a Round Hole? Assessment of the "Umbrella Clause" from the Perspective of Public International Law Chinese Journal of International Law, Vol. 14 Issue 2, ISSN 1540-1650, pp.341-373 OXFORD UNIV PRESS 단독  201506
State Responsibility and Government-Affiliated Entities in International Economic Law: The Danger of Blurring the Chinese Wall between State Organ and Non-State Organ as Designed in the ILC Draft Articles "Journal of World Trade, Vol. 49 Issue 1, ISSN 1011-6702, pp.105-140" 단독  201502
State Responsibility and Government-Affiliated Entities in International Economic Law The Danger of Blurring the Chinese Wall between 'State Organ' and Non-State Organ' as Designed in the ILC Draft Articles JOURNAL OF WORLD TRADE KLUWER LAW INT 단독  201501
우리 법원에서의 통상협정의 해석과 적용- 주요 판례에 대한 검토와 향후 과제 - 서울국제법연구 서울국제법연구원 단독  201412
2014년 UNCITRAL 투명성 협약의 법적 쟁점 - 유보 조항의 해석과 적용을 중심으로 - 국제법학회논총 대한국제법학회 단독  201412
IUU 규제조치와 국내법의 역외적용 - 미국 및 EU의 관련 입법과 집행을 중심으로 국제경제법연구 한국국제경제법학회 단독  201411
China's Declaration of an Air Defense Identification Zone in the East China Sea: Implications for Public International Law ASIL INSIGHTS THE AMERICAN SOCIETY OF INTERNATIONAL LAW 단독  201408
Back on the Negotiating Table Again? - Recalibrating Provisions of the Korea - U.S. FTA ISDS Proceedings through a Prospective ‘Amendment’ - 국제거래법연구 국제거래법학회 단독  201407
국제분쟁해결절차의 비교법적 고찰 ? 국제통상?투자?상사 분쟁해결절차의 공통점 및 상이점과그 제도적 함의 ? 서울대학교 법학 서울대학교 법학연구소 단독  201406
TPP 협상과 수산보조금 문제의 재등장 - “포괄적 금지조항”을 통한 보조금 협정 확대 적용 - 통상법률 법무부 국제법무과 공동(교신)  201402
Introduction of an Appellate Review Mechanism for International Investment Disputes - Expected Benefits and Remaining Tasks TRANSNATIONAL DISPUTE MANAGEMENT MARIS B.V 단독  201401
조약상 의무 이행과 사법부― 대법원 강제동원 판결에 대한 한일 투자협정의 적용 가능성 ― 서울국제법연구 서울국제법연구원 단독  201312
A pragmatic approach for determining overfishing and overfished condition for assessing data-deficient fisheries 수산해양교육연구 한국수산해양교육학회 공동참여  201310
Legal Issues in the Promotion of Microtrade: From the Perspective of International Economic Law LAW AND DEVELOPMENT REVIEW DE GRUYTER 공동(제1)  201310
Remand to Fast-Track Prompt Implementation: A Critical Assessment of the 'Double Adoption' Remand Proposal in Chair's Text and an Argument for a 'Single Adoption' Alternative JOURNAL OF INTERNATIONAL ECONOMIC LAW OXFORD UNIV PRESS 단독  201309
An Important First Stride, but Beware of the Pitfalls: A Critical Analysis of the ISDS Mechanism of the 2012 Korea-China-Japan Trilateral Investment Treaty CHINESE JOURNAL OF INTERNATIONAL LAW OXFORD UNIV PRESS 단독  201309
