
법학의 전당 서울법대 방문을 환영합니다

국제교류 목록

국제교류 목록
국가 해외교육기관명 협약체결일
네덜란드 Erasmus School of Law
네덜란드 Maastirucht University Faculty of Law 2011.02.161
대만 National Chengchi University College of Law 2007.12.04
대만 National Taiwan University College of law 2006.12.11
독일 Abert-Ludwigs Universitat Freiburg Rechtwissenschaftlichen Fakultaet 1997.09.15
독일 Bucerius Law School 2012.11.28
독일 Ludwig-Maximilians Universitat Muenchen Juristische Fakultaet 2007.05.10
미국 Emory University School of Law 2008.05.17
미국 Harvard Law School 2012.01.17
미국 Santa Clara University School of Law 2011.02.16
미국 The University of Washington School of Law 2012.01.17
미국 University of Virginia School of Law 2012.01.17
싱가포르 Singapore Management University School of Law 2012.01.18
영국 The Univeristy of Manchester School of Law 2013.03.14
이스라엘 University of Tel Aviv Law School 2007.12.23
일본 Nagoya University Graduate School of Law 2005.04.22/2005.07.15
일본 The University of Tokyo Graduate School for Law and Politics 2008.08 실행 별도협정없음
중국 East China University of Political Science and Law 2012.11.29
중국 Northwest Univeristy of Politics and Law 2013.10.17
호주 The Univ. of Western Australia Faculty of Law
호주 Sydney Law School
호주 Melbourne Law School
프랑스 Universit? Panth?on-Assas (Paris Ⅱ) 2007.12.12
태국 Chulalongkorn University Faculty of Law
카자흐스탄 Kazah University of the Humanities and Law 2008.04.25
중국 Tsinghua University School of Law
중국 Renmin University of China School of Law 2009.02.23
중국 Peking University Law School 2007.06.28

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