Seoul National University School of Law, Associate Professor(2020. 3. ~ present)
Jigme Singye Wangchuck School of Law(Bhutan), Associate Dean of Experiential&Clinical Education, Associate Professor(2015. 8. ~ 2020. 2.)
Stanford Univ. Law School, Clinical Lecturer(2011. 8. ~ 2015. 7.)
Harvard Univ. Law School, Clinical Instructor(2007. 7. ~ 2011. 6.)
Harvard Univ. Law School, Human Right Program Henigson Fellow(2006. 9. ~ 2007. 7.)
Brown Univ. International Relations&Economics B.A.(2000. 5.)
Fletcher School of Law&Diplomacy M.A.L.D.(2006. 5.)
Harvard Univ. Law School J.D.(2006. 6.)
08826 서울특별시 관악구 관악로 1 TEL : 02-880-7536(일반대학원), 7537(수업), 7538(장학,학생), 7539(법학전문대학원), 7534(서무)
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