교수진 소개

법학의 전당 서울법대 방문을 환영합니다

교수진 소개

성명 Masaki Iwasaki
직위 부교수
전공 법경제학/일본법
관심연구분야 법경제학/상법
전화번호 880-7593
이메일 iwasaki@snu.ac.kr
연구실 17-506

교수 소개



ETL로 가기

연구 및 창작활동

기타 업적

학력 및 경력

● Professional Experience
Seoul National University School of Law, Assistant Professor (2020.9. - present)
Nishimura & Asahi, Law Firm (2011.1. - 2020.6.)
Legal Training and Research Institute of the Supreme Court of Japan (2009.11. - 2010.12.)


● Education
Harvard University, Law School, S.J.D. (2020.05.)
Stanford University, Law School, J.S.M. (2016.06.)
University of Tokyo, School of Law, J.D. (2009.03.)
Keio University, Graduate School of Business and Commerce, Doctoral Studies in Business and Commerce (2007.03.)
Keio University, Graduate School of Business and Commerce, M.A. in Business and Commerce (2002.03.)
Keio University, Faculty of Business and Commerce, B.A. in Business and Commerce (2000.03.)​ ​








08826 서울특별시 관악구 관악로 1 TEL : 02-880-7536(일반대학원), 7537(수업), 7538(장학,학생), 7539(법학전문대학원), 7534(서무)

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